Your First Choice
in Fire Apparatus
Located in eastern Pennsylvania, our team of experts proudly serve departments throughout eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey.

Your First Choice in Fire Apparatus
Located in eastern Pennsylvania, our team of experts proudly serve departments throughout eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey.
New Deliveries
New Deliveries
Our Mission
With more than 60 years of apparatus sales experience, our mission at First Choice Fire Apparatus, LLC, is to help you design custom apparatus to meet your department and community’s unique needs. As the preferred E-ONE dealer in eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey, our team truly is the first choice in fire apparatus.
“I have worked with First Choice on four different fire truck purchases. The sales team’s attention to detail, customer first approach, and honesty has earned my trust. The E-One product has met and exceeded our expectations and will continue to serve our community for years to come.”
“Harrison Township Fire District has been an E-One customer since the 1980s and currently has five apparatus in our fleet with our sixth awaiting production. E-One ranks at the top among the world’s elite custom fire apparatus manufacturers. Our experience in Ocala has always been welcoming, professional, and beyond our expectations. The craftmanship and ownership that goes into the design and assembly surpasses all others in the business by far. The same can be said for First Choice Fire Apparatus. The sales team ingrain themselves with the customers they serve. They listen to their needs and work with the E-One team to ensure the apparatus they develop meets the fire department’s needs and the community’s needs. If you are looking for the best look no further than E-One and First Choice Fire Apparatus.”
“We have purchased two engines from First Choice Fire Apparatus and our experience was wonderful! Every expectation was met without any problems. We were very pleased with the First Choice sales team and everyone at E-One during the build process. We have grown to expect top quality service from First Choice and we recommend your company to all our surrounding departments!”
“We have been a multi-truck purchaser from Wes and First Choice Fire Apparatus. Their sales team has been very attentive to our wants and needs. Everything from initial talks about a new truck to final delivery has been about us and what he and E-One can do to make our truck just that, ours.”